Isometric death scenes for all.
New expanded prints are coming.
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A fascination
I have been recently inspired by true crime podcasts, but have had a long standing flirtation with forensic documentaries. My work revolves around the telling of story, of mystery. It’s a thread that I’ve had running through my earliest artworks. I figured it was time the tell some simple stories about death.
Keep it simple, Stupid
What could be simpler than a picture? At our earliest ages,We carry this through the entirety of life with Ikea instructions and flight safety manuals. we learn the rules, dangers, and behaviors of the world through images. So here we have some for the great end of the road.
A little distance
Isomurderic illustrates an aspect of crime scenes using an isometric world view to help distance the observer, to help keep the messiness of the most unsettling of unsettling subjects from overwhelming. By pulling back and seeing through a dispassionate lens, we can maybe try to make sense of the brutality and heartlessness of murder and the randomness of accidental death. The scenes depicted are based on scenarios gleaned from film, documentaries, and the good old fashioned existential dread.
The painted ones
Autoerotic Asphyxiation
This scene was inspired directly by a shot from a British crime series. A man was found in a suspciously staged comprimized position.

The first of the four initial images, defenestraion is the falling out of windows or great heights. I wanted to capture the stillness of the body in motion in relation to it's surroundings.

Irreconcilable Differences
Details make up the story here. Is this murder? Is this suicide? What happened in this house?

Familial Annihilator
Some people just can't bear to disappoint their loved ones.

Stay dark, my friends
As terribly depressing as the subject can be, it seems we've always known we must face the impenetrable darkness of the abyss in order to pass through.
I am now the most miserable man living. If what I feel were equally distributed to the whole human family, there would not be one cheerful face on the earth. Whether I shall ever be better I can not tell; I awfully forebode I shall not. To remain as I am is impossible; I must die or be better, it appears to me.
This page was styled using the Edward Tufft inspired Tufft CSS. learn more about the project on Github.
About the Arthor/Artist
Linehaüs is Hakim Sayyed Terry, an illustrator and designer operating out of San Francisco.
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